

I am passionate about advocating for science to lawmakers and educating the general public about the importance of our work.

I have made frequent trips to Washington D.C. to meet with members of Congress to discuss budgetary issues and remind them that we all benefit from a strong, adequately-funded research environment. I have attended these meetings as a member of the MIT Science Policy Initiative, the Society for Neuroscience Early Career Ambassador Program and Trainee Advisory Committee, and as a private citizen.

As co-founder of the Wishart Group, I hosted lab tours for several musicians, including Passion Pit, Odesza, Elohim, and the Glitch Mob. These one-on-one interactions bridge the gap between scientists and artists, and allow me to communicate my work to their large bases.

Recently, I launched the COVID-19 National Scientist Volunteer Database with a single tweet. We have since grown to over 9,500 researchers based in the United States who are willing to donate our time and skills to help fight this pandemic. We successfully placed skilled volunteers in important advisory and testing positions across the country.